Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Louie and Adam Hour 3


Louie was in a tree. He was climbing it for fun. Then he got stung by a bee. He fell to the ground. As he clattered onto the rough grassy knoll, Schiffman saw this happen. He ran over yelling for someone to get an bad no one was there. So he calls on his cell phone to get one. Schiffman realized there was blood everywhere. He also noticed he was having difficulty breathing.

Pain in the wrist, can barely breath itchy everywhere

Blood from the wrist, big bee sting and very inflamed (allergic to bees),

1. What is used when someone is going into anaphylactic shock?

a. sugar

b. Epi-pen

c. Inhaler

d. Cranberry juice

2. When there is an open fracture what do you do?

a. Put it back

b. Splint it

c. Immobilize it

d. Nothing

3. In this situation what would you do first?

a. Epi-pen

b. Put the bone back in
c. Reassure

d. Tell them it's game over for them

a. Yes

b. Maybe
c. No

5. With the solar plexus spasm, should you:

a. Give CPR

b. Do the Heimlich

c. Reassure

6. Where is the pain for a solar plexus spasm?

a. No where

b. Lower back

c. Under the sternum

7. If the wound of the open fracture has dirt in it, should you clean it immediately?

a. Yes

b. No

8. After suppling the Epi-pen, what position should you put them in?

a. Semi-recline

b. Recline

c. Lying down

9. If the victims head is red, should you put their legs up?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Probs

10. Optional Question: When attacked by a lake shark what is the first thing you do?

a. Scream and run

b. Take a pic and Facebook that shish

c. Call your best friend and explain what just happened and how awesome it was

d. Kill it

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