Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nadia-Simone Hour 4

Sam Karg was driving her 4-wheeler and was going to fast and wasn't wearing a helmet. She completely lost control and was flown off. She landed on her head, shoulder, and her knee, along with a cut on her forehead.


point tenderness in the shoulder and little movement, fatigue, coldness or clamminess, dizziness, point tenderness in the knee, confusion, irregular breathing, rapid heart beat. No history known for the victim


1. How do you treat shock?________________________________________

2. T/F: To treat a laceration, you should give the person an ice pack?

3. Who would you call if you need medical assistance?

a. 9-1-1

b. their parents

c. a bystander

d. oprah

4. How would you find out what happened?

a. shake the victim

b. ask a bystander

c.ask the victim

d. b & c

5. T/F: a sign of a concussion is a nosebleed.

6. What do you use for a bruise?

a. guaze

b.a band-aid

c. icepack

d. all of the above

7. T/F: elevate the victims feet if they have a concussion.

8. T/F: Cover the victim if they are in shock.

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