Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tim & Nipper Period 4

Henry is coming back from lunch when leaving his car, he trips and falls in the road. A texting driver in the on the road didn't see him and drove over his leg.

His leg was not level as the car ran over it.

He heard a crack and when he looked at his leg, there was a pool of blood growing on the road. He started to feel faint and dizzy.

When he slid his leg out from underneath the car he noticed he could see his bone.

When you looked at his face he looked pale and kind of a little bluish.

Quiz Questions

  1. What is the first thing to do on happening upon this accident?

  2. Should the victim be moved from his position in the road?

  3. What is the first step to aiding the victim?

  4. What is the second step to aiding the victim?

  5. Should the leg that is injured be moved in any way? What could result from moving the leg, if indeed it should not be moved?

  6. Should 911 be called immediately on seeing this victim?

  7. Is there any reason to get help from bystanders in care for this victim?

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